Dear Dave:


We want to take this opportunity to thank you and your team for the truly outstanding job you have done in restoring our Trans Am. You are truly artists of the highest caliber and it is clear that you take great pride in the work you do. From the beginning I sensed of your goodness, honesty and fairness, and knew that the car was in good hands. Your passion and love for the Trans Am, a dying breed, is evident in the way you speak of and treat them.    


Thank you for the attention to detail and in taking the time to preserve a car that has been in our family for 35 years. Hard to believe that we bought this car new in 1979 for about $8000.00 while living in Massachusetts, and it has ended up here in Kansas. It has gone where we have gone to include Belgium and North Carolina and somehow has survived to see this day of transformation as we now witness anew her beauty and glory. We never really envisioned this day when I could pass it on to Tony, who despite my efforts to allow him to sell it, has insisted that he never will. But as I reflect back, I realize that this car was part of Tony’s growing years and it has been in our family for so long that it has become one of us. He was only 4 years old when we purchased it and now after many years it is his to take care of.  And knowing Tony, I suspect that he will keep it in pristine condition in order to pass it on to the next generation. It has become somewhat of a family heirloom to be treasured and appreciated by those present today and those yet to come. Who knows what awaits her.


I truly appreciate your patience with me as I have struggled at times to justify the money spend on this machine. If not for the encouragement of my good wife and commitment to Tony I don’t know if I would have persevered. Being able to follow the work on your website and witness the transformation was a great help. This is a nice touch you offer and I am sure it is greatly appreciated by all your customers.


Given that we live in close proximity to Lincoln I trust that we can stay in contact over the years and even be able to come to you for advice and assistance when needed. We really appreciate the kindness you have always shown us. And I thank Melanie for always being so prompt in following up with me. Again, we thank you for all the dedication and professionalism you and your team put into your work. It really does show and from a customer point of view it means a great deal to have such faith and confidence in the abilities of someone else. If there is anything we can ever do for you, please feel free to call on us. Many thanks. Rock Steady!


With Kindest Regards,

Adam and Tony Torres

10 April 2014  


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